24- The Designer, Pt. 2 with Carole Epp

We’ve all probably seen it by now. That photograph that looks a little bit off; perhaps it’s the dreamy quality or maybe you noticed an extra finger on a hand…or a missing one - an image created entirely by artificial intelligence. How can clay and A.I. work together? Our guest today walks us through the ins and outs of using this new technology. Welcome Carole Epp. Subscribe now on your favorite podcast app or listen now.

Today’s episode is brought to you by AMACO Brent. For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to Electric kilns, ...and they have no plans of slowing down. www.amaco.com

The Bray is actively committed to promoting, celebrating, and sustaining the ceramic arts through its residency program, education center, and gallery. www.archiebray.org


Ep. 25


Ep. 23