15 - Collecting Human Experiences with Melvino Garretti

Today on Clay in Color, we chat with Melvino Garretti. He creates mixed media sculptures and paintings that reflect his pursuit as an “urban and suburban anthropologist.” In our interview, we talk about his thoughts on why his work is having a moment, his artistic process, and his role as a collector. We also discuss making art about the Black experience but through a universal lens, his interpretation of relationships as a carnival, and being a risk taker. Furthermore, he shares his advice for young artists. (Courtesy Parker Gallery, Los Angeles. Photos: Paul Salveson.)

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For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to electric kilns, and they have no plans of slowing down. Show us how you use Amaco by sharing your work online using #howiamaco. www.amaco.com

The Rosenfield Collection of Functional Ceramic Art is an on-line source for high quality research and inspiration, featuring images of thousands of objects made by over 800 artists. www.Rosenfieldcollection.com.


Karla Canseco


Jolie Ngo